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Roche Work Items Detail
The following list
is a sampling of specific configuration and development activities that I
completed at Roche.
This is not a complete list and - for readability
- deliberately excludes testing, upgrade and other follow-on activities.
Please note that upgrade activities were completed twice at this customer
site; from 31H to 46B and from 46B to 46C.
The testing software used for testing was Quicktest and
SAP Master Data & Hierarchy Design
Refined partner master
design and field coding (e.g. shared master data between sales orgs to avoid
duplicate definition of master data for multiple sales organizations)
Refined material master
design to suite material requirements (e.g definition of packing types,
material type field selection)
Extended plant structures to
handle stock reservations for restricted availability stock (addition of
storage locations)
SD Transaction/Order Processing
Refinement of sales order
and item category types used (definition of new order types as well as item
categories which were interchanged between business transactions)
Order reason, order
rejection and delivery block configuration
Refinement of Material
exclusion/inclusion configuration
Configuration of partner
roles in order/shipping and billing functions.
Configuration & coding of
copy control at doc/item level
Configuration & coding of
document flow (e.g. delivery related billing for returns,
Configuration/setup of
collective processing variants and jobs to support the document flow –
collective processing configuration for delivery due lists and default
SD Output Configuration
The complete requirements
analysis, design, configuration and testing of this area for Order, Shipping
and Invoice functions.
SD Shipping (Logistics Execution)
Design & configuration of
shipping blocks at delivery stage
Refinement of configuration
controlling delivery combination and overall document flow
Configuration of route
Refinement of item category
and document type design
Design & configuration of
inbound shipping types
Batch processing
Packing – configuration of
automated packing and design of packing master data
Configuration of picking
requirements (e.g. force no pick if delivery blocked)
Configuration of worklists
to suit shipping requirements
Implementation of structures
and item category processing to handle effective reservation of “reserved”
batch stock.
Batch Processing
SD Pricing
Design of pricing procedures
for outbound and inbound orders.
Requirements analysis,
design and configuration of a buying group “Best Price” approach for Roche.
Vertex (Tax) interface
design and development (e.g. handling of separate freight tax calculation)
Implementation (design,
configuration and coding) of approach for the preparation and release of
sensitive price lists.
Requirements analysis,
design and configuration of +- 9 SIS structures
Implementation of copy
methods to support daily to monthly roll-up
Extension of standard SAP
SIS updates through relevant userexits.
Implementation of SAP’s SIS
“delta-updates” approach to enhance SIS performance.
Bolt-on Developments
Master Orders
Implementation of sales
activities and output processing to generate individual orders (using a
pre-defined order proposal) for address list entries in the sales activity.
Employed slightly modified
output program (RVCASM01) to generate orders automatically.
Patient Assistance
Implementation of bolt-on
database of patient applications used to control and validate “free good”
orders. Included design and definition of complementary business flow with
checkpoints for reconciliation and problem definition.
Developed stand-alone
dialogue transactions for capturing and maintaining Patient Assistance
Application data. Additionally, custom ALV reporting was provided to
support the business flow in the system. Sales Order userexit was written
to interface with the Apllication data to control automated order blocking
and rejection.
Order processing userexit
used the application data to determine order blocks that should apply
Take-over and completion of
a bolt-on userexit in order processing which tracked customer ordering
patterns and blocked certain orders based on deviation from historical
quantity rolling averages.
Userexit tracked order
quantities over time and maintained these time buckets using a separate
custom database.
(BADI) Central address
management - change US and CA only to require region
Extension of userexits for
SIS – provision of additional fields in SIS
Additional checks and
blocking functionality for order processing (see Bolt-on developments)
Additional “on-save” checks
and blocking functionality in shipping
Additional “on-save” checks
and blocking functionality in Billing
Extension of document flow
Extension of almost all
areas within transaction VOFM for output processing and pricing
Live Support
System Performance
enhancement in the areas of Availability checking, shipping collective
processing and order rescheduling.
Resolution of
over-allocation issues due to SAP bugs in the handling of batch selection
and availability checking in 31H.
Live (seamless) change of
Canadian Region code in production
Change to customer field
selection for targeted account groups
Early watch issue resolution
regarding performance issues relating to batch determination and
classification system.
Lead a special
production-support team to monitor and address update terminate and system
dump errors during go-live. Defined documentation and support
procedure for problem resolution and tracking
SAP Implementation Approach
Assisted in general design
of testing documentation to support project as well as validation
Introduced test-matrix
design document which improved testing quality - formally adopted by the
project development team.
Assisted in initial design
of project deliverable documentation on MS Access
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